We, meaning my daughter Ruthie and her 3 kids and I, went to Camp Okizu last weekend. It is in Santa Cruz, a place called Kennolyn . There is a conference center and then further down the property is the many cabins and swimming pool, rec hall and dinning room. It is a peaceful, beautiful place and I enjoyed myself.
3 days of no tv or phones or computers, just relaxing time on your hands.
I hung out in the dining hall rec room and played a lot of Apples to Apples with the people that would come and go. ANd I talked to peeps, real conversations too!! I even layed down one afternoon while kids were swimming and finished a book. It was fabulous.
First photo is of the kids in the pool. second one is of the deck off the dining hall, the girl with the towel standing in the middle of the photo is my gd Olivia, see her kool ade smile. Thats me standing on the porch of the cabin, you can see my wheelchair. Next is Javie sitting on bed in cabin. and the last one is of me pushing my wheelchair up the hill and gd Monica following behind.